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Education of Children from Poor Families

In Pakistan, the demand for education is strong but the public sector has been unable to deliver, due to poor management and corruption. As a result, due to poverty, the illiteracy rate particularly of women is very high in the country. Since 1980, the number of private schools in Pakistan has grown from about 3,000 to about 50,000. 
A survey showed that about one in five of Pakistan’s poorest families sends their children to private village schools. It is estimated that 1 in 10 children out of school live in Pakistan. It is an alarming number and efforts should be made to help these poor communities. Few charities have set up private schools where running projects offer financial support to schools. But it is still only a drop in the ocean. 
There are many families in villages who can’t send their kids to public schools due to lack of transport. Noblehands.org has joined hands to fight this cycle of poverty and give these kids a better future.

Poor kids - school bags
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